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curriculum vitae
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Curriculum Vitae of Vyacheslav ('Slava') Syssoyev

Born in Moscow on 30 October 1937. Received no specialized art training.

> 1975 Began to take active part in underground exhibitions in Moscow and Leningrad. Syssoyev?s work never published in USSR because it was branded by the authorities as anti-Soviet.

> 1976 The first of Syssoyev?s publications in the West appeared. From this same year, Syssoyev is a member of the Moscow Committee of Graphic Artists.

> 1979 On the initiative of the KGB, criminal proceedings are brought against Syssoyev for disseminating pornography.

> 1979-83 Syssoyev remains underground to avoid arrest. Numerous publications appear during this time in the Western press.

> 1980 An album of Syssoyev's work is published in Paris.

> 1983-85 Syssoyev under arrest and incarceration in Soviet prison camp in connection with above-mentioned charges. During this time, Syssoyev?s first book is published in Paris under the French title Silence, Hopital.

> 1986-87 Syssoyev works on a major graphic series in connection with the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

> 1987 First publications in Russia.

> 1989 Syssoyev emigrates to Germany where he continues to live.

> 2003 New book of Syssoyev's «Ходите тихо, говорите тихо». is published in Moscow.

> 2004 Monographie of Syssoyev's «That`s All Right, Mama!». is published in Moscow.

> Personal exhibitions, including Moscow and Leningrad (1989-2004), Paris, Oslo, New Jersey, Hamburg and Berlin.

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